Feb 2018: Girl Boss Mafia Event Happy Hour & Pizza Partay

Our first event in Jan was a blast and success! We were SOLD OUT! This time around we are trying a happy hour!



  1. Must RSVP (headcount for food) - Pizza Meal &  1 Drink Ticket or $5 Event Donation 
  2. Bring your business cards 
  3. Invite your friends (they must RSVP)



  • 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM - Networking, meet & greet, raffle #1 for on time arrivals
  • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM - Round Table Master Mind discussion, presentation from featured Girl Bosses. Raffle #2
  • 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM - Continued networking, final raffles





Featured Girl Bosses

Katherine Kirby

Katherine Kirby

Katherine is the creator of Kat Kirby Warriors, a female empowerment program for those wanting to conquer inner, outer issues and come up with a plan of action for future goals. She is also working on her first e-book for her brand Thrifty Fit Mom, showcasing easy kid inspired meals that are healthy and designed for parents on a tight budget.

Katherine A Kirby Life Advice
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Carissa mcatee

Carissa comes from a long line of Scientists and Artists. After three decades of denying that she fit into either category, she realized she was already a little bit of both. 

With Remedy Designs, Carissa creates wearable resin art, blending bits of nature with bright colors and sparkles. The process of creating serves as therapy for her, and she hopes the end product provides happiness to you. She also loves collecting bugs, ketchup and her dog Stevie Ticks. 

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SHAlou barth

Shalou is a local entrepreneur, real estate developer and UT Alum (BBA ’01, MBA ’09). She opened Unit-D Pizzeria in 2015, is currently working on her second commercial real estate development project, and lives in East Austin with her 2.5 year old, Arlo, and husband, Eric, owner of A Parallel Architecture.

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Shalou favorite quote

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